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Serve the Poor in Christ

Donate a Legacy Gift

Leave a Trail of Love


What's the story you wish to leave behind?


"I am a regular donor and have paid attention to the services of this organisation for a long time.  By donating a bit of my legacy as a gift, I hope to support those who work at this organisation and inspire others to do the same. After all, we are always more blessed to be able to give than to receive."


Legacy Donor


Make a Will in 3 Steps

We would make your Will for free if you are willing to donate a legacy gift that is worth HK$10,000 or more to CEDAR Fund. 





Submit Your Wishes

After registration, we would get in touch with you to collect your Will wishes, including the distribution of your assets, and who you would like to name as beneficiaries. 

Hand Drawing

Lawyer Drafts Your Will

A qualified lawyer in our network will then draft your Will to ensure that your wishes are accurately reflected, giving you a complete peace of mind.


Sign & Witness Your Will

When your Will is ready, we would arrange to have you sign it at the lawyer's office. The lawyer would explain the contents of the Will and confirm them with you, then witness your signature of the Will.

What do you care about?


We believe in the value and dignity of each person created in the image of God, therefore no one should be bound by poverty’s vicious cycle. We are not satisfied with granting the poor with material needs or alleviating hunger and thirst only ; we care about the poor’s holistic development. This includes establishing the networks of the poor with their own communities, building on their connection with God and bringing them hopes, to restore their dignity given by our Lord.

To partner with Christians around the world by caring for the poor and disadvantaged people, facilitating the transformation of lives and practising social justice.

‘He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’
(Micah 6:8)

Leaving a gift in your will to a charity could make a big difference. What impact would you like to make?

Listed as a social enterprise on:

Vision & Mission of

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Around the world, people leave gifts to charities in their Wills to support a cause, honour a loved one, or be remembered for something that matters to them. Many charities rely on these gifts to create a bigger impact and to thrive in the long term. Yet, not everyone is aware of this way of supporting the charities they love, or know where to get started. ​


Our vision is a world where everyone can leave a legacy and make a lasting impact on the causes closest to their hearts. Our mission is to make it easy for you to give and charities to receive the most impactful gifts. 


To date, legacy gifts made through our service have amounted to hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, with over 100 charities named as beneficiaries. ​


Your most impactful gifts start here. Start by making a Will today.

Professional Support from Lawyers


We collaborate with law firms that donate their time and expertise for a bigger impact. In support of ForeverGift's mission, each law firm helps you write your Will for free. 

This free service covers a "basic" Will, which refers to a Will governed by the laws of Hong Kong where you are leaving your Hong Kong assets to a few family members, friends and charities. Each Will should have one to four executors.


If you have complex family circumstances, own assets outside of Hong Kong, require setting up of trusts, powers of attorney or other legal documents or devices, you may need for pay a law firm for these additional services. Where that is the case, the law firm will provide you with a quote, and it is up to you whether to accept. We at ForeverGift will not be involved in these discussions or charge you any fees.

Make your most impactful gift today.

Create Your Free Will

Please contact our organisation if you have any questions about writing your will:

+852 5468 3635 (WhatsApp)

Please contact CEDAR Fund to learn more about their mission and work:

+852 2381 9627

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© 遺善最樂 Legal Redesigned Limited

Legal advice and legal documents are provided by third party practising lawyers that have joined the ForeverGift platform. We are not a law firm and do not give legal advice.

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